Wednesday, August 27, 2008



"Pada tahun ini, Kickdefella sekali lagi akan bekerja sama dengan Bariah Ishak dan juga dengan Kijang Care untuk mendapatkan sumbangan bagi menghulurkan sedikit keceriaan kepada golongan yang tidak bernasib baik dan juga yang hilang pekerjaan akibat kemelut ekonomi negara yang tidak menentu.

Kijang Care sedang mengumpulkan sumbangan berbentuk barangan daripada firma-firma korporat untuk diedarkan pada Ramadan ini.

Bagi pembaca budiman yang sudi untuk menghulurkan sedikit sebanyak sumbangan tunai sempena kempen Ramadan Charity ini, bolehlah berbuat demikian secara online kepada :

Bariah Ishak
Akaun Maybank – 1 14105 20748 4
Akaun RHB – 1 12170 0004782 8
Atau menerusi akaun PayPal Kijang Care.

Sila email kepada nama saudara dan saudari pembaca budiman dan tujuan atau niat derma (jika ada) bagi tujuan pengurusan dan akaun.

Segala sumbangan akan disenaraikan di blog ini dan juga di laman Kijang Care berserta dengan penyata akaun bagi menjamin ketelusan.

Derma yang mempunyai niat-niat khas atau tujuan keagamaan (seperti zakat) akan diasingkan dari derma umum.

Sumbangan tenaga bagi tujuan pembungkusan, pembelian barang-barang edaran dan pengagihan juga amat-amat dialukan".

pls do visit kickdefella page for more information about Ramadhan Charity 2008


Monday, August 25, 2008


Salam Ramadhan,

Istimewa buat teman2 yg jauh, dekat, yg selalu jumpe, jrg jumpe, yg lm x jumpe, yg brkwn rapat, yg bersengkete, yg salah faham, yg belum prnah bersua muka, dan seangkatan dgnnye.....

Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan " "Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut: * Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada); * Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri; * Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya. Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat , dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.
iklas drku utk semua..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

:: 20082008 ::

Tarikh keramat ini merupakan hr bersejarah amnye bg penduduk daerah Dungun, Terengganu.
Di mane, berlangsungnye istiadat gilang gemilang pengistiharan Majlis Daerah Dungun (MDD)
dinaik taraf menjadi Majlis Perbandaran Dungun (MPD).
Tepat jam 10.10pm (agknye huhu), beberape das tembakan bunge api dilepaskan ke udara (haku tak ter pk nk bilang).
Sambutan begitu meriah, mungkin sempena ulang tahun kemerdekaan ke-51 turut diraikan. Ia dpt dilihat dr bz nye jln dpn umah haku, nyanyian artis (tak confirm, rsnye amy search n ramai lg kot) kedengaran dr rumah haku (so xyah susah2 pegi, since haku x brape nk suke bising n sesak2).
Cume time bunge api tu, haku pun intai dr pintu dapur, then sempat merakamkan (walaupun haku x brape nk terror huhu) percikan bunge api di udara dgn jelas... ;)
tarikh centek, bunge api pun cantek.....
so silelah menjamu mate bg org2 yg x berkesempatan melihatnye.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dear all my fwends,

Pls rfr below, job vacancy at:-

Petra Resources Sdn Bhd
Post : Operation Clerk
Based in ksb, kemaman, Terengganu
Mininum qualification at least STPM, PC literate.
Good command of written and spoken in English & Bahasa Malaysia.
Contact 60-9-8633744
OR send your resume and application to

details, pls do visit :


Monday, August 18, 2008


I just can't wait to start my new job at new company...
really excited to join them...
today is boring day, i feel sleepy all the time.. but I can't sleep,
I need my mattress, pillow, and light blue blanket...
tit..tok..tit..tok... so slow...
just a boring day :(

Thursday, August 14, 2008


hidup manusia hanya perlu impian
hidup manusia hanya perlu usaha

hidup manusia hanya perlu ingat
hidup manusia hanye perlu tawakal
hidup manusia hanya perlu doa
hidup manusia hanya perlu syukur

sama memperingati tanggungjawab kita
sama memperingati amal dan taqwa
sama memperingati dosa dan pahala
sama memperingati halal dan haram
sama memperingati kejadian manusia

yakinlah adanya ALLAH yg satu
yakinlah adanya Islam yg satu
yakinlah adanya hidup dan mati
yakinlah adanya dunia dan akhirat
yakinlah adanya syurga dan neraka

haku insan biasa.........

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


i'll be there in the afternoon... where?????

huhu... tatutttttttt...

haku mencari cari
haku meneliti sepi
tiap inci permasalahan

haku terfikir fikir
haku terkial kial
akhirnya ada peluang

haku ternanti nanti
haku tertanya tanya
namun tiada jawapan

haku menghitung saat
haku menutup risau
doakan haku berjaya

wish me luck fwenzs...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Forget about the ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason..
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

My Baby You

My Baby You
» Marc Anthony

as i look into your eyes
i see all the reasons why
my life's worth a thousand skies

you're the simplest love i've known
and the purest one i'll own
know you'll never be alone


my baby you
are the reason i could fly
and 'cause of you
i don't have to wonder why

baby you
there's no more just getting by
you're the reason i feel so alive

though these words i say are true
they still fail to capture you
as mere words can only do

how do i explain that smile
and how it turns my world around
keeping my feet on the ground

[repeat chorus]

i will soothe you if you fall
i'll be right there if you call
you're my greatest love of all

[repeat chorus]

arianna i feel so alive

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


ceriakah pagi anda anda semua??????..... huhu
pagiku sungguh ceria dgn adenye NESTUM hehehe...
actually (adeyyyy omputih lak).. utk mendapatkn pagi dan hari2, malahan hidup yg ceria, sblm tido... kite haruslah memaafkan semua perbuatan org terhadap diri kite, dan bacelah ayat2 suci al-Quran, berzikir dan mengucap 2 kalimah syahadah sehingga anda terlena. pastinye, bile saje anda membuka mate keesokan harinya, anda akan dapati tido anda sgt lena, dan sudah semestinya hari2 anda akan lebih bermakna dan ceria. nasihat ini haku perolehi dari ibunda tersyg dan juge hasil dr mendengar motivasi Datuk Dr. Fadzillah Kamsah. cubelah amalkannye, mudah mudahan ia menjadi amalan kite smpai bile2, bahkan mendapat pahale... InsyaALLAH...
oleh itu, sesape yg mengenali diriku... pernah tersinggung, terluke dan terrrrr ape2 aje... mohon maaf ku pinta ;)
sesungguhnye yg baik itu dtg dr ALLAH,
yg buruk itu dtg dr diri kite sendiri.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


hi everyone....
today i want to share wif u the full meaning of many acronyms and abbreviations..
..... i got it from my fwend...... ;)


ONE day, a colleague turned to me and asked, “What’s FYI?”
“For your information.”
“What’s FYA?”
“For your action.”
“What’s WRT?”
“With reference to...”

Before the conversation dragged on any further, I quickly looked up a website on acronyms used in business communications and sent it to him via e-mail. This conversation made me realise that the full meaning of many acronyms and abbreviations may not be immediately apparent for many people – students or working adults alike. For starters, an acronym is a word created from combining the initial letters of each word. For example, For your action.

An abbreviation is a word shortened from its original form. For example, “Attn.” is an abbreviation of the word “attention” to convey the meaning “for the attention of”. In general, a full stop is used for abbreviations where the last letter of the word and the abbreviation are not the same. For example, “Co.” (Company) needs a full stop but “Ltd” (Limited) does not. Acronyms do not need punctuation marks. Below are some frequently used short forms in business communication like e-mails, faxes and letters:

a.k.a. – also known as On Monday morning, Kay El, a.k.a. The Boss, walked in happily and greeted her assistant, Pee Jay.

approx. – approximately Checking her e-mail, Pee Jay read, “Today is the boss’s birthday. Can everyone please slip off quietly to the cafeteria in approx. 15 minutes?”

ASAP – as soon as possible Pee Jay opened up her daily planner and scribbled ASAP next to some of the urgent items on her to-do list.

Attn. – for the attention of Leafing through the stack of mail to be sent out, Pee Jay asked her boss, “To whom should I address the cheque for the annual report?” Her boss replied, “Just write ‘Attn: Ms. Chris-tine Jalleh’. She’ll know what to do with it.”

Bcc. – blind carbon copy or blind copy to. In this case, the carbon copy is sent to an e-mail recipient whose e-mail address is not visible to the cc or other bcc recipients. “By the way, I think it’s better if you bcc me in your e-mail to Brown. We wouldn’t want him thinking that I’m supervising you for this project.”

Cc. – carbon copy, or copy to “But I would like to be cc-ed on the e-mail to Mr Green as I have not yet introduced the both of you to each other.”

c/o – in care of, used when sending a document to A who will receive it on B’s behalf because B is away from the office. “Boss, I think Christine is back in China this week. Would it be all right if I sent the cheque in care of her assistant? I’ll still write her name on top with c/o Ah Sis Tern below.”

COD – cash on delivery, where a person makes payment for an item purchase after it has been delivered. “I’m also sending out the cheque for the set of Business English reference books we bought COD on eBay.”

e.g. – exempli gratia (for example) Pee Jay replied to the e-mail, “Hi everyone. Please remember that the boss doesn’t like surprises, e.g. everyone shouting ‘Surprise!’ in the cafeteria.”

et al. – et alii (and others). Usually used to list co-authors after the lead author in a bibliography, this form is now popularly used to address the other people other than the recipient in e-mails. She received a new e-mail, which read, “Dear Pee Jay et al., I was reminded that the boss does NOT like surprises ...”

etc. – et cetera (and so on OR and so forth) This means that we will not be able to collectively surprise her by springing out of the cafeteria doors as we had planned, etc.

exc. – except “Can everyone, exc. Pee Jay, be at the cafeteria in 5 minutes? We need to figure out a surprise without the surprise element. Thanks!”

FYI – for your information Her boss’s voice brought the young assistant back to the present, “Pee Jay, I’m forwarding you all these e-mails FYI, okay?”

FYA – for your action “Note that some of these e-mails are FYA ...”

i.e. – id est (that is) After acknowledging her supervisor, Pee Jay decided to help her colleagues out and typed, “She’s in a good mood today, i.e. we won a new account and completed a major project.”

K – thousand, e.g. 450K = 450,000 “Just to give you an idea of her mood, it’s a 450K retainer for the first quarter ...”

PA – personal assistant The immediate reply to Pee Jay’s e-mail read, “Thanks for the info, Pee Jay – you’re the best PA!”

p.a. – per annum (per year) Pee Jay smiled and responded, “Haha, there is a reason why I’m paid RM65K p.a.”

p.p. - per pro (used when signing a document on someone’s behalf) Looking back at her paperwork, Pee Jay signed some invoices on her boss’s behalf, inserting
p.p. just before her signature.

Pto. – please turn over, used at the end of a page to indicate that there is a continuity to the text. “By the way, please remember to type Pto. on the first page of the proposal you’re sending. The last time we sent it to him, he forgot to read the subsequent pages,” chimed in Kay El.

viz. – videlicet, namely She got up and left a note on Pee Jay’s work station before leaving. Scribbled on it was, “Can I pass you my slice of birthday cake after I cut it? I really don’t need a lot of carbo, viz. refined flour, at my age.” The note ended with a wink.

Readers can go to http:// to search for the meanings of over 4 million acronyms and abbreviations. This online dictionary also allows users to filter their search according to categories like information technology (IT), military and government, business and finance, science and medicine, organisations and schools, and slang and pop culture.

Monday, August 4, 2008


salam smua,

hr ni haku br start keje. huhu smlm dpt cuti free.
berbaloi gak coz friday n saturday letih ckit lajar, kunun2.
ok berblk ngan title kt ats tu,
actually haku da lm nk cube2 bisnes sndiri,
oleh krn haku suke buat cookies raye since skolah agi,
so haku rs better gunekn kemahiran yg ade kan.
nk buat bisnes cupcakes, cookies raye n donut.... jeng jeng jeng..
memandangkn skrg ni da jd trend dasat... buat hantaran, celebrate befday, reunion n etc...
so amik lerr kesempatn yg ade hehehe...
nx week nk amik klas buat cake secare formal lak,
bfr that, lajar ngan mama ku cyg... but now nk upgrade lg ckit huhu...
pray 4 me yarrr.. ;)